Graduation Carpets and Ceremonial Ribbons Are Essential for a Graduation Ceremony

Custom branded graduation carpets and ceremonial ribbons are essential for a graduation ceremony that wishes to create and display a memorable and dignified occasion. Logo branded runners, event carpets and ceremonial ribbons are basic elements for a graduation ceremony for schools, colleges, and universities. These products are carefully selected for their fine craftsmanship, quality materials, and attention to detail, ensuring they meet the standards required for such significant occasions. is the best one-stop shop online for essential ceremonial products and accessories for groundbreaking ceremonies, grand openings and ribbon-cutting ceremonies, military balls and functions, corporate events, graduations, and all celebratory occasions.

red carpet

Custom Branded Graduation Carpets:

Graduation carpets are typically placed on the stage or podium area where graduates receive their diplomas. They serve as a visually appealing walkway that provides a designated space for dignitaries, faculty members, and graduates to stand during the ceremony. Custom-branded graduation carpets with the school’s colors and logo or other relevant information printed ceremonial carpet adds a personalized touch to the event are custom-branded with the school's logo, colors, and other relevant information, adding a personalized touch to the event. Custom-branded graduation carpets are a specialty of and our selection of logo printed event rugs are available in sizes up to 6’ wide and 50’ in length. The key points about our custom-branded graduation carpets:

  • Made from quality materials to withstand foot traffic and ensure durability.
  • Available in various sizes to accommodate different stage configurations and venue layouts
  • Colors carefully chosen to complement the school's branding and add to the overall aesthetic of the ceremony. Non-slip back for safety and stability.

custom-branded carpet

Custom Branded Graduation Runners:

Graduation runners are used for the procession, providing a designated path for graduates to walk as they enter and exit the stage to receive their diploma. Similar to graduation carpets, runners are custom-branded with the school's logo and colors, creating a cohesive look throughout the ceremony. Key points about our graduation runners:

  • Designed for durability and ease of use, with non-slip backing to ensure safety for graduates walking on stage.
  • Available in various widths and lengths to accommodate different stage sizes and the number of graduates participating.
  • Enhance the visual appeal of the procession and create a sense of unity among graduates.

printed ceremonial ribbon

Custom Branded Ceremonial Ribbons:

Ceremonial ribbons are used for all traditional ribbon-cutting ceremonies because they symbolize a new beginning. In graduation ceremonies, custom-branded ceremonial ribbons are used prominently to symbolize the start of a new chapter in the graduate’s lives. These ribbons are custom-printed with the school's logo, graduation year, or other commemorative text, adding a symbolic element to the ceremony and are placed prominently over the stage, entrances and doorways. Key points about our ceremonial ribbons:

  • Made from high-quality satin or grosgrain material for a luxurious feel and appearance
  • Available in various widths and lengths, with color embossed printing for added elegance and visibility.
  • Our extra-wide 10” and 12” ceremonial custom-branded ribbons make stunning vertical banners of the school emblem or logo.

extra wide ribbons

During a graduation ceremony, these custom-branded products come together to create a cohesive and memorable experience for graduates, faculty, families, and guests. They represent the school's pride, achievements, and commitment to excellence, making them essential components of a successful and meaningful graduation event. Shop for graduation ceremony carpets, ceremonial ribbons, stanchions and rope, plaques, and all the accessories you need for a distinguished, graduation ceremony that celebrates a new chapter of life! Click here for a quote.