The Enchantment Of Ceiling Drapes And Ribbons

Creative decoration is often discovered by necessity. Event planners know this too well! But the enchantment of ceiling drapes and ribbons, the latest in party decoration fashion, has opened the door for unlimited decoration creativity, and has permanently secured the role of ribbons in ceremonial decor tradition. Originally used to dress up the vast spatial vacuum of big outdoor tents, ceiling drapes and ribbons have become an enduring staple of ultra fine and creative decoration for any and all ceremonies. Ceiling drapes and ribbons are decorative items that will always be able to heighten the overall look of everything! Here are some ideas on how to embellish your party or ceremony with ceiling drapes and ribbons:

Ceiling Drapes And Ribbons For Tents and Ballroom Settings

Ceiling drapes have gone from decorating the blank space inside a large, outdoor tent, to decorating the ceiling of a ballroom for dramatic flair. In both instances, the color, texture, and width of the draping material and the ribbons used play an important role in the decoration. We'll start with ceiling drapes. The material for ceiling drapes can range from chiffon, georgette, moiré, organza and charmeuse, to cotton, silk or satin, depending on the general effect you want to achieve. For example, decorating the inside of a tent for a wedding ceremony, draping wide (8" or 10") satin ribbons of the same color as the bridesmaid dresses will certainly bring together the theme in a striking way. You'll want to attach the drapes at the center of the tent and bring them out to all sides, attaching at specific points outward and letting them drape down. This is the basic set up to which you can add other creative draping styles, such as draping oversized ribbons from side to side of a tent or a ballroom, creating a more solid look. Oversized white ribbon for ceiling drapes made from chiffon or organza, combined with strings of lights gives a magical feel to a special occasion, especially when the ballroom has a set wallpaper or a bland, neutral color. Smaller, 2" inch personalized ribbons with the name of the couple and the date of the ceremony, positioned over the cake display gives a textued background for photos and serve as keepsakes for the guests.

ceiling drape ribbons

Groundbreaking ceremonies can be decorated as lavishly as a wedding, and as a matter of fact, they are just as momentous in the life of an individual. The logo, brand name, or the name of the company or companies involved in the venture can be of different colors. One company may have a blue and white logo while the other may have orange and grey - and so on, depending on how many are integrated into the building of the structure for which the groundbreaking ceremony is organized. One way of tying together the theme to make these differences work in your favor is to use different size ribbons, choosing from 4" and 6" to 8" and 10" in the shades of the colors involved. Whilst these colors may be opposites, when well placed they instead add an impressive color theme to the overall decor.

Mixing Textures Of Ceiling Drape Ribbons For A Striking Effect

Combining different textures such as velvet and satin for the ceiling drape ribbons will create a rich and luxurious feeling. Additionally, in a first sod-cutting event the ribbons can be used to decorate the ceremonial groundbreaking shovels while they're on display before and after the first cutting of ground. The groundbreaking shovel or shovels, depending on how many will take part in the ceremony, have many customization options, including color blades. recently provided oversized and personalized ceiling drape ribbons in hunter green silk and checkered green and white gingham, with green groundbreaking shovel blades, including small green groundbreaking shovels for children who were going to be part of the ceremony. The ceremonial groundbreaking shovels were decorated with green bows at the stem, topped with green hard hatCarpet runner guiding people to the step and repeat banner, and flanked on both sides by silver stanchions and white rope. The combination was stunning as well as functional since it played up the color of the developer's company, and the ribbons provided the frame for the colorful decoration. is the best place on the web to find all the supplies you need for a top notch special event, ceremony, or party. We carry a wide selection of quality, oversized ribbons for ceiling drapes, as well as for table runners. Our prices are budget friendly, our customer staff personable and attentive, and our flawless shipping will put your order in your hands within days wherever you are. Shop our ceremonial ribbon section for your ceiling drape ribbons! You will be inspired!